2 Replies

how are you feeling .. loss of interest in hobby . always feeling gloomy , sad , keep thinking about it .. got burnout easily . snapped out easily .. thinking of ending life , commiting sucide .. hurting yourself or ur kids ... feeling anxious , hot flashes , heart racing fast , palpitations , nausea , diarrhea , having panic attack in crowds , hot weather , queueing up , don't socialize , hallucinations what ppl thinks about you . having hard time to make up with friends or new friends . always alone , love being alone . canceling plan last minutes because you worry about ur look, features , emotions , self esteem , confidence .. there is quite alot actually usually psychiatrist need to access more of ur condition bfore they can diagnosed your mental health and then prescribe you medication . I was diagnosed with postpartum depression after 1stborn . got carried away left untreated till I have anxiety, depression , panic attack and final diagnosed ptsd from imh ( childhood sexual abuse )

They will ask you regard on how u felt then they will recommend you to psychologist or psychiatrist first.

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