Morning Sickness - is it best to avoid driving during first trimester morning sickness. Any other precautions? I read lot of pregnancy sustaining medicines like Fertigyn have side-effects

Morning sickness affects different woman differently. I assume you are writing on behalf of your wife? For me, in first trismester, I suffered a lot of strong painful headaches and lost of appetite. If I stand for too long, I can feel myself getting giddy and would have to sit down. There were instances when I was walking with my colleague and I could feel that if I didn't sit and rest anytime soon, I would faint. Sure enough, by the time that I found a seat and sat down, my head was spinning and I broke out in cold sweat. I was okay after 20 minutes or so. It'd be best if your wife takes a taxi to work instead in case she is going through what I did before to prevent anything from happening. Or better still, send and fetch her to and fro work. The first trismeter is where your wife is at her most "fragile" so she has to take extra precautions.
Read moreIf morning sickness gets too bad, it's best to avoid driving or operating heavy machinery cos it's really dangerous. I was supervising my old team a few years back when I received a call from my colleagues. One of the ladies nearly passed out on the way to work while driving during her first month of pregnancy. Thats how she found out she was pregnant. Luckily she was carpooling and her friends were able to avert the danger!
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Yes, because morning sickness and effect mom to focus on the road. I thinks should avoid
Excited to become a mom for the first time!