7 Balas

it's better to bring the pink book because it does contain the details of yours such as age, contact details , etc. Also the important thing is the information contained in the pink book regarding your previous pregnancy history like the number of children, the pregnancies, the year of the pregnancy, the age of previous pregnancy, illness or complications before, mode of delivery etc

Cam KK saya g memang dia suruh prepare gak semua tu..copy ic, any bills, copy sijil nikah..if ade buku pink pregnancy sblm pn bwk gak..saya bwk jek semua buku pink yg saya ada..sennag nurse nk refer t..

Mcm kk sya ank kedua & seterusnya tetap kna bwak, msa amik tarikh appointment nurse dh listkn siap2 documents yg prlu dibawa semasa buka buku pink😊

Sya slalu scan kt luar, dlm 8w scan tu dh Complete ada heartbeat & janin

VIP Member

saya dlu tak perlu bawak dh smua tu.. bwk buku pink 1st tu je.. smua depa dh attach dkt buku pink 1st..

Mcm saya staff nurse minta bawa buku anak 1st n copy sijil nikah 3helai tu je

kalau KK tempat saya hari tu, nak ic saya dgn buku pink anak pertama je

sye baru bkk baru2 ni.. kne bawak ..tp xthu la mngkin sye ank 1st ke ape

ye.. anak first mmg kena bawa sis..sy dulu mula² pon kena bawa buku salinan ic suami,saya..dan sijil nikah

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