Bring baby out at night
Hi mommiess. Is it okay to bring my 3 months old baby out at night around 830pm to 930pm for jogging?

I think people saying no is because the infant needs more sleep and is also more prone to bacteria and viruses at that age so preferably avoid bringing the infant out so often. maybe can check w pd too if you're worried or just do some light exercises or workout at home! 🙂
Just do whatever suits yours n your baby's lifestyle, no 2 homes are exactly the same. I bring my child out anytime I want as long as she's awake, it could at midnight for grocery run or supper or early in the morning at 5am if she's awake. Honestly doesn't matter
it would be better to bring baby for morning jog for get some sun (vit D) I would think 830pm - 930pm is an ideal time to train baby for night sleeping instead.
I used to do that with my first :) the swaying from the jogger would send her to sleep Good to just make sure there’s some mosquito repellent
I think bringing baby out at night is a form of stimulation. Over-stimulated baby is crankier at night, then you'll be more tired?
Why cannot go out at night? Lmao. I bring my baby out anytime and anywhere whenever I want.
Morning jog wld be more suitable as it’s more chilly at night
better to do in the evening before 8pm.
My girl slp at 7pm++. So no
not recommended to do that.