My LO just turned five months. I have no intention to stop breastfeeding at six months, but I don't know how long I can continue to breastfeed her for because my daily yield is not sufficient for her. I just tell myself I'll give her whatever I can provide for as long as I can. She drinking BM in the day and FM at night. I'm currently pumping every 3 hours in the day, and I try to do the same at night. But I've been so tired from work these days that I manage to wake up only once in the middle of the night to pump. I even fell asleep while coaxing baby to sleep and I end up missing two pumping sessions in a row. If I don't pump at night, I wouldn't have enough milk to bring to my inlaws place the next day where my LO would be when I'm at work. I'm so afraid my already very low milk supply will drop even further. I power pump once a day, but I don't see the yield increasing. Moving forward, should I continue pumping every three hours? For mummies who breastfeed their LOs past six months, and the supermums who can keep up with breastfeeding for more than a year, what is your pumping schedule like? I don't know how long I can pump like this for, especially at night because sleep is non-existent on some days when the baby wakes up for milk after I finish pumping. By the time I feed her milk, change diapers and coax her back to sleep, it could soon be my next pumping session again, and before I know it, its time to prepare for work. #advicepls #1stimemom
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My 3.5 months old baby have been biting my nipples every time she latches the past week. It hurts so bad that I get goosebumps all over while using all self-restraint to stop myself from slapping her lol. I'll hit her thighs lightly and say no no while I scream out in pain. She seem to find that funny and will do it again. #pleasehelp Mama please teach me how you deal please! I'm very scared to latch these days.
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