Delay pumping interval for better yields?

Hi mommies, am wondering if i should delay my pumping intervals for better overall yield. Understand that usually people will advise to keep regular pumping schedule (3hourly) to maintain supply but from what i see from my pumping logbook: For eg, 4 pumps ~ 760ml (more than 5-6 hours kind of interval) VS 5-7 pumps ~ 760ml or less (normal 3 ish hours interval + pumping out extra after DL). LO is one month & im pumping enough + a little bit extra each time and i find myself chasing the clock to make sure she gets her bm. The better yield when my breasts are very engorged gives me much motivation but im not sure if this is harmful to my supply or will cause mastitis in the long run?

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Super Mum

Dragging pumping interval will risk decreasing supply in the long run. Have you tried using haakaa to collect milk on the other side when LO latch?

5y ago

Tried but collected v little. Sometimes i pump while latching also. But overall yield still seems lesser even if i pump regular intervals..