2 Replies

it used to be bigger, around 6cm as well years ago before I got pregnant.. i havent had it removed bec im scared of surgeries/operations.. when i got pregnant it showed up again in the UTZ, there were two but smaller in size around 2cm.. my OB was hoping it'll disappear after i give birth as there were some cases she handled where that happened so instead of undergoing CS for delivery and to remove the myoma she opted for Normal delivery and advised me to get it checked again after 3mos from delivery.. unfortunately Covid happened so I wasnt able to get a follow up check up but i feel fine and i dont have any abnormal bleeding so hopefully everything is good though i still really need to get it checked the soonest

Thank you for the reply. mine is smaller way back 2018. And just this year my OB told me that my Mayoma is bigger than the head of my baby. Did experienced bleeding during your pregnancy? hows your baby during that time?

I did.. I still have my myoma but I was able to give birth through NSD a year ago... was supposed to be CS but my OB suggested ti give NSD a try and thankfully it worked out .

did your mayoma grew big? mine is 6cm bigger than the head of my baby.

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