9 Replies

Hi Ira. I would think going for an affordable private hospital like TMC or parkway east makes more money sense than going to a govt hospital but no subsidy. Also it would be more cost saving to go for a prenatal package as there would definitely be more than 5 appointments - monthly check ups before 3rd trimester then every two weeks in 3rd trimester and then weekly check up aft 37 weeks. It would be good to consider and compare package costs and delivery fees of different gynaes for the same hospital. The package you shared is cheaper than what I got but delivery fees of the doctor is about 1K more.

I went with Dr Jasmine Mohd. Her prenatal package is $950 for 10 appointments excluding additional things like flu or whopping cough vaccines or glucose test etc. Her delivery fee is $3.2K.

VIP Member

I’m with this Gynae too. So you alr paid $150, for the first time check. Usually his package starts on 12weeks. From 12w to 40w if you are with him the standard checks is 8-12x so for $700 it’s less then $100/visit. I find it reasonable. Other tests are all not included for any other Gynae. As you are not Singaporean so don’t bother going Govt cos it’s as costly as private patients. If you sign up package, he will offset what you paid previously and ask you pay balance for the $700 from week 12 onwards. You can enquire first. 👍🏼

noted with thanks..TQ momma!!

For your comparison…mine is private gynae, the package is from week 20 onwards for 10 visits that includes doc consultation and basic ultrasound. Doesn’t include more detailed scans or etc. doesn’t include delivery for sure. Cost is $1070 after GST. SG is indeed more expensive compared to JB 😅 choosing to take the package will be worthwhile for me as I’m paying close to $250 every visit now.

1st dose yes..2nd dose I decide to take when I'm at 2nd trimester.. currently is 10weeks + .. ya me n husb still thinking where to deliver ..hehe..

look normal. I've handle one case 2 years back which staff is Work Permit holder husband is Singaporean, they are paying foreigner fees at KKH which no different from private gynae. Do check with different hospital/gynae for comparison. personally I don't advise package

I think is about the same price for kkh n private hospital . because they will follow charges as foreigner . 😅😅💸💸💸

Super Mum

Hi Ira! Charges seem to be quite typical for a private gynae. Have you considered going to KKH? It may be slightly cheaper. Here’s an article that has the info you need. https://sg.theasianparent.com/kkh-gynae-charges/?utm_source=search&utm_medium=app

noted with thanks mommy ! :)

Hi, I think this package is okay.. Yes, delivery fees should be excluded from this package. Btw I think gynae outpatient follow up should be >5 times throughout pregnancy. I go for my follow at least once a month

noted with thanks. :)

mine every check up coz also the same sometimes more. getting the package is much more cheaper

Hi may i know if you are holding LTVP or LTVP+?

Yes for private

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