
8 Replies

My baby had similac first but his gassy issue was very very bad. Then I changed to NAN the gold version cause everyone said NAN poop and digestion is better than Similac. But my babyโ€™s gassy and very very smelly farts were still bad until I changed to S26. Now he doesnโ€™t fart smelly ones as much and poop very nicely. Haha

My baby drinks NAN Optipro HA given from hospital as I have drug allergy so the nurse recommended to give the above. She took for a month before i transit her to full BM, pooping well & enough diaper input while on NAN.

im selling BN Nan HA stage 1, baby is on another brand, let me know if keen

im using dulac for my 3mos old baby since birth cause hospital use..no issue pooping well and healthy ,chubby too :).. i know its cheap and make u wonder but dulac is ๐Ÿ‘

thank you.. but unfortunately it gave my baby bad constipation :(

I bought Dulac since hospital gave dulac.. but babies didnโ€™t pooped! Have since changed to Optipro 1.. babies been pooping abt 5 times daily ๐Ÿ˜…

my baby is drinking abbott grow which is given by hospital during the stay. so we continued using it

You can try power pumping or take lactating boosting food/ supplements. For formula, similac is good

my baby drink NAN OptiPro 1. many suggested that it's closest to breast milk.

Try the new Bellamy's A2 milk? my 1yo is take its stage 3.

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