8 Balas
sebelum ni Saya dah Ada 4 puteri. bila Tau Saya pregnant anak ke 5... I hope it's boy. apa Saya buat. saya byk makan ikan... Dan Ubi ubi..seperti ubi kayu...kentang... keledek... seafood not advise kerana Saya pernah Cuba impact anak jadi elergik... berkat doa Dan usaha... alhamduillah no 5 Saya anak boy....
i think its more about the sperm dna.who swim faster.if u really want a boy maybe try ivf where they can identify dna of boy and girl sperm and insert it to the egg.speaking on a scientific level because there is no guarantee if its done naturally.
Dr hamid cakap...kena on masa betul2 time subur..(guna ovulation strip opk) Sbb masa tu chromosom Y akan sampai dulu berbanding X ke ovum...insyaAllah...blh search utube dr hamid arshat..
Yg semakin rendah miu...actually mana2 pon okey..sy beli dlm shoppee je murah(plastik pink putih)beli bnyak2..kalau kt frmasi mahal..
bd on your ovulation day, not earlier.... y sperm can travel faster but last for a short period. x sperm travels slowly but last longer.
tq for ur tips
tq for sharing
mybe fmily gen .. hihi