2 Replies

Hi there! I had the same experience as you, I found water repulsive and the smell of my own mouth/ saliva made me nauseated. I relied on ice cold water, bottled drinking water is the best. Or flavoured drinks: sugar cane, Ribena, 100 plus (no sugar options available), bubble tea (not the healthiest option), honey lemon water. I would say those few weeks were the most I spent on flavoured drinks in my lifetime, but I could not stomach regular water. If it’s carbonated and icey cold I found it to be helpful too! One friend recommended soda water which has no other additives other than it being carbonates. Try things out! I hope you find your solution!

Hello mommy, why not drink boiled water or filtered water or bottled water instead? There’s a lot of choices for plain water everywhere with no metallic taste. You do not need to drink from tap water only. Staying hydrated is very important for you and your baby.

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