6 Replies

Hi mummy, I’m a FTM & currently 35 weeks. I gained weight fast since trimester 1 till end of trimester 2 ( I gained 15 KG ) & my weight maintained once I entered trimester 3. I still ate normally early trimester 3 but as it gets nearer, my intake reduced significantly probably due to bb taking up my space. As long as gynae says baby is growing well and doing fine, our weight don’t really matter much :)

yes! likewise for me. I have been gaining like 2kg per mth (up to 16kg) in Trim 2. But weight maintain constant from wk 34 onwards. hope the baby continues to grow tho haha!

I have GD as well, gained 10kg weight from 60-70kg before diagnosed with GD. After control my diet, my weight maintain between 69-71kg throughout 3rd trimester. But baby have been increasing weight steadily throughout despite me not gaining weight/losing weight in 3rd trimester. Last scan at 37 weeks +4 days baby is 3kg.

Hello! Have heard of similar instances where moms lose weight after going on GD diet. As long as baby continues to grow well, you're okay! :) from what you mentioned, your diet sounds good for baby growth too - with the protein intake. 👍🏻 Take care!

It’s ok to lose some weight bcos you are controlling your diet. as long as your baby is growing well. For me in fact I have lose abit of weight throughout pregnancy and my baby is gaining well: if you are worried , speak to your gynae


hello! im a GD and once reach 3rd trimester i lost 3kg+ from 90(first-2nd trimester) to 87kg at the third trimester.

Super Mum

As long as baby is growing well and putting in weight, it’s okay for mummy to lose some weight.

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