3 Replies

My baby is 5 mo too. At this age, do more activities that help ur baby to explore different textures, colours, sounds and improve his/her simple motor skills. Textured and auditory books are great and let baby hold different items so tt she can practise gripping. It's normal that babies will keep putting things in their mouths as it's their way of discovering things, just make sure to wipe and sanitise. For floor play, I will usually play ball with my boy as he likes to roll ard and alr started crawling. Water play is good too if she likes water. Keep on reading to her too, don't really need so many books at this stage, just keep repeating the same few books and let him/her see how you speak, use varied facial expressions as baby learns by mimicking. For me, I don't believe in buying so many toys, just a few good educational ones are enough as it helps to retain their attention. Some good toys are activity cubes or those musical pop-up button toys. Most importantly, communicate as much as you can with her! (:

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Read story books, montessori / sensory toys, play bubble, on music , floor play, hand puppet, balloon kicking , tummy time, Play peek-a-boo, rhyme time, mini pool ( can get from q10/shopee) , walking w baby , show Colors objects ( I will observe her which Color lo likes lol ) .

😂 normal. Keep guiding and repeating lol. use teether toy then the rest can distract baby 🤭 sometimes baby may not keen. Unless you can try tummy time while show flash cards or Color bottle ( eg roll on the floor or shake , 👀 will look left and right ) 😆 or you can put toy object far abit, let her try to reach it 😂 ( soon or later practice learn how to crawl .

very hard!! my daughter is 5 months as well keeps getting very fussy these few days , kept buying toys to keep her entertain but it only works for awhile😅 haha till she gets bored of it again !!

Omg I totally agree, I bought tons of books for her but at this age she just wants to put it into her mouth.

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