Belly after miscarriage

Hi momies, sy miscarriage 7w1d minggu lepas hari isnin. Perut sy still mcm pregnant, besar. Kat rumah sy, takde org tua yang aware dgn keguguran semua. So takde org pulak yg ajar sy jaga badan. I tanya doc kena pantang ke tak, n dia pulak kata no need sbb pantang semua ikut culture. I still mandi guna air panas n wear socks sbb I google. Boleh tak mommy kat sini ajar sy apa sy kena buat? Sbb I dah makan MCD semua. Perut sy besar and I want my old stomach back... It makes me so depressed sbb ppl kat rumah mak sy pun asyik tanya knp perut besar lagipun diorang aware I gugur! Boleh tak advice the after care and herbs or jamu or anything that helps me cure my outer and inner belly? Dah lah perut besar mcm ni, pimples lagi. I was strong till people question me. Please help what should I do ? 😭 #pleasehelp #ingintahu 😭😭😭😭

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U should stop eating junk food @ fast food including MCD. Cut sugar totally. Watch ur carbs, protein n fat intake. Less oil less rice. Nk jaga badan x perlu pun org ajar nie awak. Just Google je how to make ur body shape in 2 week, exercise to reduce belly. Pergi lah buat intense exercise for 2 hours for about 1 week mmg akan nmpk perbezaan. Lpastu buat intermittent fasting. U don't need jamu nie. Herbs definitely u can include in ur diet.

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