3 Replies

Even if you go earlier also cannot see anything and doc can’t tell you if this pregnancy is viable or not until heartbeat is heard. However, if it gives you a peace of mind perhaps you can request to see doctor. I told my doctor before I want to come in early as I had previous case of miscarriage. She checked me and gave duphostan to support pregnancy. I went to dr Natalie Chua at PEH. She also practice at Mt A now I think. She’s really understanding and doesn’t rush you and give me time to think. Also no judgement or whatsoever from her. Her sewing also good vouched by my confinement nanny haha

You can buy urine preg tests as many as you want and do it every day at home safely to relieve your anxious until it’s time to do ultrasound. Because if you do the u/s too early and cannot see the heart beat which is normal, but it’d cause you more unnecessary worrisome and spending.

Dr Liana Koe is very assuring. I always feel much better after walking out from her clinic. She also doesn’t enforce you to buy supplements from her clinic, etc. ask you save the $.

Wahh, never heard Dr won’t enforce you to buy suplement & save the $, seems nice & warm gynae. ☺️

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