5 Replies

Oh, I totally understand your concern, and it's great that you're paying attention to your baby's health. It's definitely possible for congenital heart disease to be passed on if there's a family history of it. The symptoms you mentioned - struggling to breathe, lethargy, and bluish lips - can be signs of a heart problem in babies. I would strongly recommend that you take your baby to a pediatrician as soon as possible. They can do a thorough examination and possibly run some tests to check for any heart issues. It's always best to address these concerns early on. In the meantime, try to keep an eye on your baby's symptoms and note down any changes or patterns you notice. It might also help to keep your baby's environment calm and comfortable to reduce any extra strain on their heart. Remember, you're doing a great job looking out for your little one. Hang in there, and I hope everything turns out okay. Take care! https://invl.io/cll6she

Better to bring your baby to a PD or hospital to check, better than worrying about it.

Pls bring to doc asap or hosp. It could be his oxygen is low which can be fatal.

bring to see PD for professional diagnosis



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