7 Replies

LOL to be honest in the delivery suite they make u lie on your back (FOR AS LONG AS YOUR LABOUR TAKES) while waiting to dilate also. just towards the end around 7-8cm they will ask you turn left and right to make baby comfortable if baby is stressed. So i dont see a problem with lying on your back if it makes you comfortable. A lot of pregnant mummies cant lie on back de, tailbone will break from weight of baby 😂 i couldn’t even do my lashes without turning every 2 mins 😅

Same here, u can try to put a pillow for back support at night, at least the back is tilted and not totally flat. This works for me, and this also ensure that I dont sleep on my back unknowingly during middle of the night. Jia You!

been sleeping on my back .currently 27weeks. doc said ok too. I can't sleep on left side either. will have severe thigh and leg pain if I sleep on left...been a back sleeper all my life

currently 38 weeks, and have been sleeping on my back throughout the whole pregnancy. do what is best / most comfortable for you! my gynae has no concerns about me sleeping on my back.

i have the same problem. i did ask my aunt for advise since she is a nurse. she said it is okay to lying down on ur back for awhile.





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