Mind to share what is your teething remedies for your baby.

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My boy is also in this teething phase. I put the teether that can be chilled inside the fridge and give to him, he enjoys it but after a while when it's not cold anymore he throws it away - so maybe I should buy a few more.... I also use teething gel... I just started the teething rusk/biscuit thing (also put in the fridge to chill first) but I find it's kinda wasteful - baby enjoys himself for like 5+min then he is not interested anymore and it has to be thrown away and cannot reuse - I try to stretch it a little like half a day or something So I am going to make my own "biscuits" and I found this website which I think u might be interested too http://greenlitebites.com/2011/10/homemade-teething-biscuit/

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I will give my baby teethers especially those that can be chilled in the fridge. And during the teething period I will cuddle her more as she is fussier and also wipe insides of her mouth with small handkerchief more frequent to let her "bite" my finger to relieve some pain and also to cool down the sore gums. I do not like to use teething gel as I am not sure if the ingredients are good for her. And recently FDA has recommended that certain teething gels and tablets are not safe for babies https://www.google.com.sg/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2016/10/05/health/fda-teething-tablets-warning/index.html?client=safari

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When my child was teething, I applied a small amount of Bonjela Gel to sooth the pain. I had alternatively used teethers too. I put the teethers in the fridge to make it cold then offer to the whining child. It will help to sooth them as it is cooling. I have found this article which I personally found it useful. http://www.hpb.gov.sg/HOPPortal/health-article/2980. You might want to take a look to see if it is helpful to you too.

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if you're breastfeeding, can make breastmilk ice pop for LO. 😄