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tbh ibu, first and foremost, pls enjoy your own baby development. do not compare..itu silap yg utama. every bby has its own development, hatta adik beradik dia pun. takkan sama milestone mereka. bby baru 3 bulan, is it? its totally normal if dia byk tidur..its good for their brain development and growth. tk banyak ragam...satu anugerah. mudah ibu ayah nak handle. yg penting motor skill kena asah, ibu ayah kena main peranan. autism ni bukan boleh self diagnose, it will be based on doctor evaluation when the toddler reaches 18mths - 24mths @ 1y6m - 2y. put aside negative thinking, kalau rasa ragu2, buat research, masa checkup blh tanya nurse direct. chin up, enjoy your parenting journey.

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