Third trimester, loss weight
Hi, loss weight on third trimester, 32 weeks 60.7kg and 33 weeks is around 59.9kg. is is normal? Thanks #pleasehelp

Mcm sy baru2 nie checkup 32w statistics, alhamdulillah berat baby OK, x kurang pun.. Normal ikut usia juga.. Masa 30w berat 52.9kg then masa 32w tu berat 52.8kg..actually memang risau turun, then konn nak mkn byk hari tersebut sbb sepatutnya checkup pada esok hari.. Tapi nurse buat mengejut lak tetiba.. Apapun syukur alhamdulillah semua ok pd hari tersebut.. ๐
Baca lagiif nurse or doc not saying anything and the baby inside you grow normally according to his/her age, should be okay. but logically, your weight should be increased if the baby size increases. consider consulting to your doc again if everything's okay
It is normal as long as your babyโs weight is increasing every week. Macam body kita masa tak pregnant, kan ada naik turun, berat air la, kadang kita makan kurang dari sebelum tu.
mcm sya , berat 71kg .. seminggu lepastu check turun 70kg .. dahtu check lagi seminggu naik balik 71kg๐๐๐๐ tapi berat baby alhamdulillah x da turun pun๐