Hi all,
Looking for postnatal massage recommendations.
I've tried two freelance masseurs for prenatal and both experiences were bad. Both spilled oil all over my place and bed (even when it's covered). And one was burping like 200 times or more throughout the session and claimed she took the wind from me. (honestly I was so traumatised by this).
I have been looking at agencies and both freelance ones, and prefer malay jamu style with traditional bengkung, jamu cream, sengkak (womb uplifting), lactation massage and bonus if they do baby massage as well. Also prefer someone who is able to bring portable bed and towels.
Any recommendations on freelance masseurs and possible feedbacks on the agencies listed below pls.
1. PNSG. Postnatal massage singapore
2. CK Bidan (they are slightly on the pricier side so wouldn't want to make wrong decision)
3. Pamper me jamu wellness
Currently already in 3rd trimester. Urgently looking to secure one. Thanks in advance
#firsttimemom #firstbaby #pleasehelp #advicepls