1 Replies

is she teething? have you tried different food textures? how much milk is she drinking per day? my son went through a similar phase as he reach 1 year old. there are times when he would not eat a banana on all the other days but he eats them today and thn tomorrow he rejects them again. there was once i have him macaroni soup, but he spit it out. i gave him the shredded chicken he spit out also. i had to find what he wants. it can be quite stressful. i gave him rice w the soup from the chicken soup also dont want. 15 mins later i gave him plain brown rice. he finished a bowl and asked for more. sometimes all u need to do and try and error. some people will say let them starve or reduce their milk intake. but i just didnt have the heart to. it took 2 hours altogether just to make him eat. and he is a blw baby 🤦🏻‍♀️

its really similar with my daughter, she also bite fruits and she will only play in her mouth and then she will spit out. im so stressed i tried so many food rice, chicken etc.. she only love avocado.

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