baby acne? heart rash?
My lo suddenly have these spots on his skin. Should I be concerned?

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Is your kid feeling hot or warm or allergy to something? Or the surface and the items that your kid is in contact and using is dirty or dusty? Try clean the surface with warm water 3 times or more daily. Can try to apply rash cream to see if it improves. Monitor for say 3 days, If still don't improve, suggest go visit doctor.
Read moreSuper Mum
My baby had this 2 or 3 days ago!! I went doc. It was dust allergy fr my daughter.
Try putting diaper cream on it. It helps with my lo
VIP Member
Seem mild. Should recover for it's own.
VIP Member
Nb acne.. don’t worry it will go away
See a PD for the right meds
VIP Member
Better to consult PD.
Baby acne
VIP Member
Baby acne
Super Mum
Looks the same?

Mummy of One!