Formula Fed
My LO is on formula and I realised at every feed when it comes to the last 20ml, she fusses alot and would take a long time to finish. Sometimes her feed can last close to an hour. Any mums experience this? How to overcome? Should I bring to see a doc?
I’m facing exactly the same issue as you. My baby is almost 2 months, weighs 4.8kg and I’m feeding him 90ml formula per feed. When it comes to the last 20ml, he will usually gag and use his tongue to push the teat. I try to force him to finish the last 20ml but the milk will just accumulate in his mouth as he won’t swallow. If I did force him, he would sometimes vomit all the milk. So I usually won’t force him and take it as his capacity is 70ml, although there are occasions where he could finish all 90ml. When he was just born, a PD told me that to know the amount of formula milk per feed, we can multiply baby’s weight by 20. You can also read the info in the attached photo. For the first four months, we can multiply baby’s weight by 15 to 20 for the amount of formula per feed. How old is your baby and the weight? Also, to take note of the flow of the teat. If it’s too slow for baby, he might get tired to sucking by the time the milk is left with 20ml in the bottle.
Read moreI don't force if she doesn't want it anymore. My baby also like that.