What activities did you do with your 3 to 4 month old when they are not feeding or sleeping? (FOC)

My LO is 3 months old now! Other than eat and sleep, he has his wake periods, which is around 30 to 90 minutes depending on the time of the day. During this wake period, what do you mummies do with your LO to occupy the time after feeding or before feeding? For now, after waking up, if LO is not hungry yet, I do about 10 minutes of tummy time with him (or more until he is frustrated or hungry). After feeding, I sit him upright (or carry him upright) for about 15 minutes, and then I dont know what to do already. For now, I put him on a lying chair and talk/chat to him until he is sleepy. If he isn't interested in me talking anymore, I use those shaker toys to entertain him for a few more minutes. I have some toys given to me but they aren't suitable for him yet (Stackers, teethers etc). Then when I absolutely have nothing to chat about or play with baby, then I put him to sleep. But then other than that what do you mummies do with your LO? #firsttimemom #firstmom

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Buy play gym with hanging toys that can grab! My 3m love it! Can let them play theirown. Also they will learn to coordinate their hands and learn to grab things and hold on to it. I also alot of times dont know what else to do with baby during their wake period. So most of the time i just do TT & the playgym for now

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1y ago

Ooh sounds good. I'll try that!