My LO 17months had fever since last week Tues. The deg was 37.1-37.5 and PD diagnosed nothing and mentioned it was viral fever. We gave him medicine for 4days and stopped as the temperature gone lower. He had some loose stools too. Today his temperature went up till 38.8 (highest). I am not sure whether it's due to teething, as some said teething may or may not cause fever and loose stools. Any advice?

At present, there is no common consensus on whether teething causes symptoms such as fever, diarrhea and fussiness. Some experts feel that these symptoms are unrelated to teething. It is suggested that these symptoms are more likely brought on by the fact that babies frequently put things into their mouths to soothe their gums, increasing their exposure to viruses and other germs. Regardless, here are some signs commonly associated with teething: - irritability or fussiness - drooling (could lead to facial rash) - gum swelling and sensitivity - gnawing or chewing behaviour - refusing food - sleep problems You can check if your son is displaying any of these signs to determine if he is teething. For more information on signs of teething: If your son is having viral fever, it is common for his temperature to fluctuate throughout the course. Trying giving him a sponge bath to help bring the temperature down. It is common for viral fever to last for more than a week. Hope he feels better soon!
Read moreNormally teething fever is low grade fever..... so nv go beyond 37.5 and if it's viral fever it will normally last 5 to 7 days and normally fever medi you give 4 to 6 hourly and if no fever I still recommend to give for another day but drag to 8 hourly for that day. ... and if after drag to 8 hourly for a day and fever never return then you can monitor and don't give medi.....that's. How I stop all type of as to ensure then the virus die down......if it get too hot then start sponging him....if still after 7 days fever never stop I think better bring him.back to see doc....
Read moreI reckon it sounds a lot like teething symptoms. Teething is known to cause diarrhea because baby's excessive saliva due to teething will end up in his gut, thus loosening his or her stools. Perhaps you can check if baby's gums are red from inflammation? Inflammation in the gums are known to causes a low grade fever.
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