is my baby growing well

My little one just turned 2 months old, and I'm starting to worry a bit about their growth. They seem perfectly happy and healthy, but I can't help but wonder if they're gaining weight at the right pace. Is anyone else going through this? Any tips on how to tell if your baby is growing well at this stage? I'd love to hear your experiences and maybe some advice! Here are some things I've been noticing: - still has no sleeping pattern... i am so exhausted - feed every 1-2 hours - lift head for few seconds while tummy time Would also love to know: What are some good resources to learn about baby development milestones? How often should I be weighing my baby at home (if at all)? When should I be concerned about my baby's growth? Thanks in advance for your support! P.S. Feel free to share any tips or tricks that helped you feel confident about your baby's growth during those early months! #NewMomStruggles #BabyGrowth #SeekingAdvice #CommunitySupport

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