10 Replies

I don’t count kicks, baby don’t cooperate when I actually tried to count … she just totally don’t move and the moment I decided ok I’m not gonna count, voila, she starts kicking😒. I only started feeling actual kicks around 25 weeks, before that was just some bubbling or waves. For me, as long as I feel movements thru out the day it’s good enough for me. It’s normal because we can’t “see” or “hear” baby from naked eye and don’t know how are they inside the tummy so we get worried. Relax and trust your baby, look forward to every scans and find some stuffs you enjoy doing to help past time 😊.

I was given a chart when i enter 32 weeks to count the kicks but i have not really been keeping track, too busy with work 😅 theasianparent app has a kick counter so you could use that as a tracker too. The chart my gynae gave me was the count to ten chart whereby you count 10 kicks within 2 hours, preferably during the time when baby is active, usually after food but mine is always after 11pm

I dont count kicks, as long as baby moves everyday. Some days baby moves more, other days quieter but still moves. My gynae did not ask me to count either, he just asks if baby movements are constant or got significant reduction. And no, baby being extra active inside you is not any indication of ADHD. ADHD can only be assessed some time after baby is born or when your kid is growing up.

I only started counting last week cos I got covid. The best I can do to ensure my baby is fine is by counting his kicks. Don't worry I don't think baby kicking too much is a sign of Adhd

Honestly, i dont count kicks, as long as baby kicks morning, afternoon, evening, night. And no, baby kicks does not indicate any adhd. Theyre just either active or resting

i dun count too. its too difficult to monitor esp in the last tri when the baby doesnt have much space to move. as long i can feel movement everyday im ok.

hi mommies. you all feeling the kicks in which month? im few days to 5 month but i don't feel anything. or myabe i don't know how it feels like

Heard first pregnancy will feel kicks a little later. I started feeling something like bubbles popping around Week 19-20 and the kicks for stronger some time around Week 23 onwards I think!

thank you seniors for the replies! Ok I shall stop counting and adding pressure to myself.. got move = good.. dont overthink 😅

I don't count. As long as he moves regularly, ie morning,afternoon and night all got some movement, can alrdy.

Too troublesome to count. I just made sure that my baby moved in the day, noon, evening and night

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