Late night rant. Why im awake at this hour? Cause of my mil...
If she is rich, and she wants everything atas. I shld keep quiet. But if she is not rich and wants everything atas AND asking for more allowance, i cannot.
She buys 20pcs mooncake for the sake of trying 1. She also knows in their family, only 1 of my SIL eats more than 1pc but unlikely can finish all remaining. Not all fancy durian
She is a proud victim of MLM products and wants all of us to follow.
She buys many (expensive) things but some can be chucked for months till expiry or given to helper cause "not nice".
She wants face and refused to hear comments or feedback. Once she tried steamed egg w huai san. Despite us telling her how the dish doesnt suit our taste, she claims it is because she didnt add salt or sesame oil enough. But guess what, she only took 1 spoonful and didnt touch the dish throughout after.
She has some "compulsive buying behaviour" in my opinion. If some things she likes is "on offer" she will buy regardless of needs/wants/quantity - even if she only takes 1 or 2. I have like 8 types of tea and 5 types of coffee in my cupboard as we speak.
Everything is "sometime will use", "next time got use", "buy to try ma..", "buy for u all ma". Excuses and excuses. She can do things like buying 4 tarts cause can give box but she only wanted 1 tart out of the 4. Her other reason, buy for u all ma. I know good intention, but no.. ask first. We ate a heavy lunch that day and didnt ask her to buy when she said she going to the shop.
She bought many things and claim - next time got use. Sometimes can use. But it will sit there for months. Best? She claims the storeroom is packed w my rubbish.
She loves online shopping but failed in taking measurements. So sizes all wrong. Color see on fb live, picture no same. Then.... yet she never learn lesson. Each order is 5 pcs, can be abt 18bucks each. If M size no fit, face up next time order L. Dont blame design cutting or fabric after repeatedly getting similar designed clothing. Oh i thought this color and that color fabric will be different so can fit. Hello... same design.
1 finger point out 4 fingers point in. She said she had to cook many dishes cause the whole family, except her, is very particular. No... in fact, my fil, husband and sils all is happy w 1 soup and rice. She needs cod fish, abalone w veg, sio bak, prawn and soup. Jus an incident out of many....
She waits to be jio and treated. My sil in-law likes to jio our side of family out. But my mil never once pick the bill even if only the in-laws going out. If it is, is because my husband or my sil pick the bill first on a bigger group dinner. She also doesnt jio ppl out to jus treat them back. "Oh they shld treat me cause they jio me out.."
Entitled. We ordered a fast food selling fried chix. Usually one family set for 3 (she stays w me and hub to help w my babies), only got 1 thigh. She will start off saying "i only eat thigh". Out of 10 times, she took the thigh. Out of respect, we give in. But never once she asked, would u all like to have it this time. Once she took breast meat in error. 2 mouths, she said oh i dont like breast meat, i dont want this anymore.
Allowance. My hub gave her 30% of his pay at first but w the babies, and she moved in with us (4 more mouth to feed w a helper) he couldnt sustain and reduced. She said dont reduce cause she doesnt have enough to buy things. Yet she is a proud victim of MLM products and as above... shopping behaviour.
At first she said she takes LOA to help out for my new babies so we hired a helper. Later on she said she wants to retire to help take care. So our budget burst. But never once she asked "are u all coping okay w financials", she only said that the reduced allowance is insufficient for her.
She is super stubborn. More imptly, she likes to twist the truth or hid the truth. But this part of story... is for another day...