Pregnancy test
Korang , just asking . Is it clearblue accurate ? #bantujawab

my experience accurate sis. last pregnant before detect chemical pregnancy. lepastu every week bt test clearblue, week tu sama je 1-2 week, upt samar2 tak lama turun darah. latest ni tgh preggy alhamdulillah bt test clearblue bergerak week dari 1-2 ke 3+ and upt line pekat dua dua.
Sangat2 recommended. Tak ksah awk guna yg clearblue biasa tu pun dh ok , sbb digital mahal jgk kan. Dah confirm double line nnti pkai la digital utk tgkp gmbr buat kenangan .
I risau 😭 tapi macam yakin haha entahlah

Macam saya guna yg pregnancy test putih yg biasa dulu then baru confirmkan dgn clearblue. Lepas tu pi check up doc 😁
dah beli lain strip denga dip n tell . tapi results negatif 😌
From my experience, yes! You just have to read and follow the instructions on its leaflet.
sebab ade yg kata tak accurate tu yg takut hm
I prefer dip and tell, pernah kena scam dengan clearblue.
sama you .. sebab tu I tanya . hm last last beli dip n tell , tengok tengok negatif 🙄😌
yes 99%
huarghh risau sebab ade yg cakap tak 😌