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We as parents hv responsibilities over our kids. Financially and emotionally. D intention of hving kids is not to get them to wrk for us in the future. We shouldn't be calculative. They are born out of love. They complete us. What they earn is their savings. We still have to provide financially like school and what nots. Even if they wanna marry, we should tryta help them as well. I am a Malay Muslim and i don't belive in letting the groom to pay huge amts for a wedding. I have a daughter who is coming to 2 yrs old soon and i would not want my future son in law to work like crazy jz to organize a wddding. He is someone's child too. We parents hvta support our kids. Not sell away kids. If they wanna give you money in future, that is their gain of blessings from Allah. ❤️
Read moreKids should be auto in giving parents allowance... it's not about the amount they give... but the thought that counts... they should have the heart to do it willingly... it will be meaningless if they are forced to do so... this will depend on how we educate them when they were young and what kind of examples we as parents have set for them to follow... if we ourselves don't even give our parents money... don't expect them to give us a single cent when we age...
Read moremy husband and I give our parents money. Not because they demand it or need it but because we can afford it and we want to help them to enjoy their retirement 😊
I'd plan my own retirement finances without heavily relying on them. If they are willing to give, its a bonus!
I think that it shouldnt be forced upon them... but they must realise its their diligence
It is completely up to them as long as they are able to be independent and survive well!
Definitely but not to support. To teach them humility, integrity and respect.
Would be nice but I would want them to save more for their future
Yeap! Even if I don't need the money, it's about responsibility
Not force but if they want since it is a sign of filial piety