All we need is love to create a whole world of perfect.

This is my key takeaway from the 10th episode #FAMHealthy series on Childhood Development A-Z. A-Z means for everyone, for all kids of different abilities. The episode was very insightful. I was able to learn more about intellectual disabilities such as down syndrome. Dr. Dimalanta discussed how we, parents, should watch out for clinical signs and medical conditions of our kids and guide them to the domains of development- gross motor skills, fine motor skills, language, personal-social and cognitive. Early intervention helps a lot and should begin as early as possible. Set goals, establish routine, and recognize and value expectations of the parents. It was emotional but inspiring as Mommy Michelle shared her journey with her exceptional daughter Gelli. You can feel all the love in her story as she started with acceptance when she saw the physical characteristics of her baby and she continued with the determination to give proper guidance and support to lead her daughter to a successful and normal life. It is true what Michelle said that we shouldn't take early milestones for granted. Gelli was able achieve her milestones independently with the support of her family. It is very important to raise kids with exceptionalities the same way you treat your typical kids. Kids with IDD just needs a little help but they can do things. What I love most about Mommy Michelle's experience is that she took the opportunity to educate and share. A mother's love leads to greater things and Mommy Michelle's love for Gelli formed Best Buddies in 2014. It is a worldwide organization with the mission to create friendships among typical kids and kids with IDD because Best Buddies believe that everybody needs a friend and friendship builds character. Best Buddies provides employment, speech training, and coaching. Best Buddies prepares fun activities for all ages and all abilities. The organization aims for inclusion. I agree that everyone should be included. Moreover, we should celebrate every life because every child is a blessing and having different abilities will not hinder normal life. Each child is an individual and has his/her own individual needs. They say that it takes a village so be part of that villlage. A child will grow into someone we intend to be provided we give them support, love, call out what they do wrong, give him/her self-esteem, and treat him/her co-equal to everyone. Do not compare your kids to others. Allow them to play. Know how to help or support them. Early and correct diagnosis and management results to favorable outcome. Let's treat everyone, typical kids, kids with exceptionalities, kids with different abilties, EVERYONE with respect, understanding, acceptance, trust, love, care, and compassion. Be kind. #theasianparentph #SanofiActs #sanofixbestbuddiesph #theasianparentphlive

All we need is love to create a whole world of perfect.
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Super Mum

Very well said mommy. 😊