curhat bun

jadi aku baru lahiran hampir mau sebulan, sblm2nya asi ku alhamdulillah banyak sampe stok difreezer. nah hari senin kemarin aku telat pumping PD sebelah kanan bengkak pas lagi pumping sambil ku pijit2 sendiri eh ternyata makin sakit sampe meriang, nah besoknya dipanggilin tukang pijet dari tempat mertua, pas aku pumping sampe hari ini ko asiku jadi seret cuma dapet 30ml, biasanya bisa 90ml, 120ml sekali pumping.. sedih banget 😭

2 Tanggapan
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It sounds like you are experiencing some challenges with your breastfeeding journey. It's common for breastfeeding mothers to encounter issues like engorgement and fluctuations in milk supply. Here are some tips that might help you increase your milk supply and alleviate the discomfort: 1. Make sure you are drinking plenty of water and staying well-hydrated. 2. Try to relax and reduce stress as it can affect milk production. 3. Have frequent and effective breastfeeding or pumping sessions to signal your body to produce more milk. 4. Consider using a warm compress or taking a warm shower before pumping to help with milk flow. 5. Massaging your breasts before and during pumping can also encourage milk flow. 6. Ensure you have a proper pump fit and check the pump settings to optimize milk removal. Remember, it's important to take care of yourself during this time. If you continue to experience issues, consider reaching out to a lactation consultant for personalized support. Don't hesitate to seek help from professionals. If you are looking for products to support your breastfeeding journey, you may want to consider using a breast pump to help with milk expression. You can find a selection of breast pumps at [link to breast pump products]. Wishing you all the best on your breastfeeding journey!

Baca lagi

berobat bu ke dokter, bisa jadi ada sumbatan, jangan ke tukang pijet atuh

3mo ago

iya bun namanya udh dibawain tukang pijet sama mertua ya mau gimana, skrg PD dua2nya lembek