Both leg is swelling
Hi, iz it normal having swelling on both leg after giving birth? I having difficulties to walk, with swelling after giving birth to my son.. since i was C Section delivery to my baby boy… Any idea, how to reduced the water retention at your both leg?

Hi Nurul, it’s completely normal. You might even feel discomfort and heaviness, but that’s normal too. I had a lot of difficulties walking because of the c-section wound and pain around my knees and the soles of my feet. Again, it’s very uncomfortable, but normal. I wish someone had told me it’s normal back then, but I only had one friend who went through c-section and she didn’t have these problems. Having come out of the tunnel now, I’m telling you that you’re going to be okay, the pain and swelling will go away and you’ll be yourself again. Mine lasted about 3 months. Get plenty of rest and try to take things easy. You’ll be okay ❤️
Read moreIn addition to the other commenter, compression socks! Just the normal calf high travel ones will do, easily found at Guardian or Watsons.
yes very normal. it took me some time to lose that water retention. compression socks help with it. and drink a lot of water
elevate your legs with a pillow helps, drink more water and having red bean soup helps too.
As for me, my hip to toes seems tired all the time after i give birth to my son.
it's normal, keep drinking water. u will be back to normal after some time :)
Elevate your legs, reduce salt intake and drink more water.