11 Replies

Helloo, FTM here I was induced with cervidil on the 18th at around 1pm, I was 0cm dilated (induced due to small baby and reduced fetal movement) at 38 5weeks. Took a while to reach 3cm dilation, if I recall, I was 3cm only until next day morning! Started getting contractions and was given epidural and a drip that induces contractions at around the 12pm noon the next day, 19th. Next check at 3pm, I was 7cm! Then again at 6pm I was already ready to go at 10cm! Delivered that night at 7.30pm. Overall good experience, I asked my Dr what were the risks/downsides to inducing and he mentioned that inducing tend to hurt more (which it did but I was still ok, managed to shower and poop at 3cm lol, fyi I was given a pain relief jab on my thigh before the epidural and it did help) and that inductions have a 30% chance or failing (resulting in C-section) but thank goodness it was all well! Even though my induction took around 30hrs from start to delivery, I actually enjoyed the experience, the labour ward nurses and doctors were amazing and u will forget all the pain when u see ur baby. You will never know for sure if ur induction will be a success but do it if u have a good reason to. I told myself no matter the outcome, I just want my baby here and healthy.

I was induced for #1 & #2. Both times was at KKH. Successfully delivered naturally with epidural. #1 induced at Wk39 as baby was moving lesser. Pills was inserted at 2pm. Was 1cm during insertion. Dilated to 3cm at 7pm and waterbag broke naturally. Wheeled into labour suite and had epidural at around 9pm. Dilated immediately till 9cm and gave birth at 945pm. #2 induced at Wk38 as baby was breech the week before and turned back down so gynae recommended to induce before baby goes breech again. Was already at 4cm before induce. Induce at 2pm and timeline was about the same as my #1 and gave birth around the same time. I really feel that epidural helped my body relaxed and allow for me to dilate quicker. Both times gynae thought I’d give birth hours later but I was already in active labour. I am very afraid of pain so epidural was a choice I made early on.

hey! i was admitted at about 12.30am, was 2cm dilated. about 4.30am nurses came back to check but still 2cm dilated so i was induced at around 7am. gynae came at 9am to check, i was 3.5cm dilated and he broke my water bag. almost every 30-45mins nurses came in to check until 12pm and i was 10cm dilated already. gave birth at 12pm+

I was induced on my EDD. But not yet dilated at all. Hahahahaha induced at 1030hrs but started to dilate only evening 1830hrs. It was really a long journey of pain the whole night cos my first epidural tubing was dropped off when I was dilated 5cm at 2am. Hahaha I managed to deliver naturally the next day 1055hrs.

FTM, induced and natural birth. I was only 1cm dilated for the first hour when they insert the pill, subsequenly given epidural when i was 3cm dilated. Before pushing I was 7cm, within the next 10mins, 10cm and baby was out. Entire process, 6 hours.

induced for #2. was already 2cm dilated for a while. reached kkh at 7am, did all the checks, epidural and water bag broke around 10am, and around 1pm I delivered my baby. very easy and smooth compared to my #1.

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yes induced for #1 due to cholestasis! not dilated before, gave birth 22hours later. had to take epidural bc the pain was 100/10, extremely painful. oh yes and it was a vacuum assisted vaginal delivery.

Checking of dilation is painful, especially when nurse or gynae try to “open” ur cervix bone. Sorry to mention I failed after inducement for 3 days (insert tablet 3x) 4cm on 3rd day

i was induced at wk 38 due to GD. no dilation before induced. give birth at 48 hours later, after 2 rounds of trying different induced pills. natural with epidural

I was induced for my 3rd child. was only 1½ cm. start at 1pm. gave birth at 3plus. very quick one.

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