6 Replies

hi mummy. I'm sorry to hear of your pregnancy loss. The same thing has happened to me, a silent miscarriage. Baby heartbeat had stopped but I had no bleeding or other symptoms, only found out at the next appointment. I walked in to the O&G at kkh and had elective procedure. So I stayed in the hospital for half a day while the nurses inserted the medication (Misoprostol) locally. It was better for me as I didn't want a D&C and have low pain tolerance. I was administered painkillers to help with the pain. After a few hours baby came out. My period came right after just like a normal birth.

i opt for d&c. but one day before my schedule surgery, the bleeding happened. went to hospital to check, there was still around 1cm thickness of lining in the uterus. doc asked if i would like to take the medicine to “clear” it but i went ahead with the d&c scheduled as i wanted to hurry get over it and let my body recover to try again for another baby. my next menses came around 4 weeks. take care!

i took medicine to induce the bleeding. didn’t want d&c as i preferred something non-invasive. my next menses i think came around 5-6 weeks later. take care ♥️

d&c would be “cleaner” to ensure no residue tissue is left behind. next menses differs from person to person, but mine came back 3 weeks later

I decided to miscarry naturally. Eventually the sac will come out on it's own after some bleeding.

I let it pass naturally as I do not wish to decide anything. Menses comes the following month

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