7 Replies

VIP Member

I had it too. Plus pain in lower abdomen. I was at week 5 as well. So I went to polyclinic. I was having constipation too. So doc said the pain could be due to it most probably. But just to make sure it's not ectopic pregnancy they referred me to KKH same day.

yes I had pretty severe cramps for a week around week 5 too. went to see a gynae to scan to ensure not ectopic pregnancy. now im 18 weeks, all ok:)

The cramps are normal. That is because your womb is expanding etc. As long as the cramp is not too severe and no bleeding etc.

VIP Member

Just take it as muscle cramp, sometimes ur womb is stretching rapidly. No fresh bleed should be ok 🤞

Yes normal during the early stages but shouldn't be accompanied with any bleeding, clots or severe cramps.

Thanks for the info. Hopefully the cramp will go off soon.

I think it is known as implantation cramp should be normal..

It’s normal

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