Is it ok to just ask for cash instead of toys, clothes, etc as birthday presents?

I think it makes most sense to ask for cash instead of presents.. Presents you may not like. Then you also can't return them.. Take the cash and get what you want :)!!
Depends on how close you are to the people you have invited. It would be a bit awkward to ask for cash from people you are not that close with
It's a little weird but instead make a list of what is needed for the baby and this way you will not receive a bunch of useless things.
For us, we even indicate sa invitations na we prefer cash since we have things that we prefer, other than their registry options.
Me too I'd rather ask for some cash as a present, and put it in my childs bank acct, or books may do instead of toys
I think it is perfectly fine as it also tells your friends that you are honest and the gift can really be put to a good use :)
It's up to you but you need to think about how your friends would feel. Would they be offended or would the be fine with this
Cash is always good because you wont know whether they will like the presents that you bought for them or not
to save the planet, require cash so that only the needed material things are then purchased with the cash
I think it's perfectly okay. Better than receiving useless gifts that you won't use or don't like :S