Which do you prefer using when ironing clothes?
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Flat iron
Steam iron
I don't iron, I send them for dry cleaning
I don't do the ironing, my maid/husband does it
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Most can be done with flat iron but some troublesome materials will require steam ironing so good to have both options at home
Depends on material of clothing. Would prefer flat iron but steam iron can iron out creases faster sometimes
just more used to it, i feel like steaming doesn't do it as good as a traditional iron
VIP Member
Still fee flat irons give the best crease-free clothing.
VIP Member
Usually flat iron but I use Steam for special clothing
If I have time, flat iron If not it’s the steam iron
Steam iron works better for most clothes
Super Mum
Tried both.. Flat iron can iron better.
VIP Member
Still prefer traditional flat iron
I wish my husband would do it!