Bleeding at week 11 pregnancy

Im at week 11, and i just noticed i have bleeding. I have slight cramps and backache. Should i worry. Can anyone advise if its serious? Im very worried as im not sure is it miscarry

Bleeding at week 11 pregnancy
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Ya pls see your gynae asap! I was bleeding more than these but was due to a tear as i went shopping for a whole day…

See gynae to check or go A&E now. I bled at week 11 day 1, bled lesser than yours initially. End up in a miscarriage.

VIP Member

Pls call your gynae immediately, for first trimester, always be more safer.

See your gynae immediately as bright red discharge is a cause for concern!

Pls visit ur gynae before it’s too late. May give u pills to stabilise.


oh no. better go to the hospital asap! take care!

VIP Member

call ur gynae and go to a&e asap don't wait..

VIP Member

please check with your gynae immediately

VIP Member

Please visit gyane immediately !

pls see doc or emergency pls