5 Replies

I switched to private in week 32-33. Consultation for subsidy is $41 and total bill normally around $80 (no GST). Most of the lab tests are 50% if I remember correctly. After changing to private, consultation fee is $91 and total bill around $200 to $300 if there are lab tests etc. I only went for 3 private appointments (week 32, 36, 37). I was induced in week 38. My gynae is Dr Ada Ng Xin Hui. She is very nice and energetic! I heard some docs would advise patient to go for c sect if taking too long. Dr Ng took good care of me and also was very patient with me. Strongly recommend her 🤗 I just checked my bill (dated mid Jan 2023) All doc appointments pre giving birth around $3k ($800 more for NIPT) and delivery fee (3D2N) around $6.3k for Ward A (mummy’s bill) And there is also a bill for bb, around $1.6k (baby’s bill). Good luck 😉

Ya before Medisave ($3,150). After medisave (off total bill including antenatal) is about $6.7k. If taking out the antenatal $3k, I think cash portion is about $3.7k. That’s because I stayed for 3D2N for induced labour. Prolly slightly cheaper if you do all natural (if 2d1n). See the bill screenshot I attached.

Look at your past receipts. They will show you the amount you paid and also the subsidy you got. You look at the original amount before subsidy and that would be the amount you have to pay (roughly) when you become private patient.

more info here: https://www.kkh.com.sg/patient-care/areas-of-care/womens-services/pages/giving-birth-at-kkh/antenatal-package-and-delivery-charges.aspx

Private kk ~150 - 200 per gynae visit, bb born feb 2023

mine was about $100+-$200 every visit

i went from week 28

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