nausea and poor appetite
I’m in my first trimester, ~7 weeks pregnant now. i’m nauseous all day and when i’m hungry, i get gastric (can feel the acid in my stomach) yet when i eat i feel like puking. i’m already severely uneerweight and i havent been gaining any weight because i can barely eat my meals without wanting to throw them up 5 mins later.. any solution to this? :( #pleasehelp

I know how that feels! I was like that with my first baby. My advice is to eat some dry crackers once you wake up - to prevent acid reflux, drink some hot milo. I got diclectin from my Gynae and I take it before all my meals and it works! Don’t puke so much. I hope you will feel better soon. Don’t worry about not gaining weight as now baby is nourished by the yolk sac. 2nd trimester then really absorbing what we eat. For now, don’t be too harsh on yourself.
Read moreI have the same problem. Have to cut off eat sweet, sour, spicy. Cant eat too much and can't be hungry. I tried to eat some raw red carrot, It help a little bit when i feel hungry. If very gassy and can feel the sour juice, try drink some soda. It help me. Once The gas come out i feel recover. Buy 0 sugar soda. Now i feeling better but still control what i eat. Hope It help u too.
Read moreI actually in week 6 now but then I have hot milo with biscuits when I wake up before I go work n bring some snacks, candies & sour plum w me in bag, just in case I feel like puking.. I will just put in my mouth. Try not to make yourself hungry, have small meals but meanwhile every now and then little bit to munch on when needed.. I hope it helps
Read moreHot milo is good for me but don’t drink the full packet at one go! Not to worry so much about nutrients at first trim, at least that is what my Gynae tells me as baby needs very little nutrients at first trim. Eat what you feel like (in small amounts) so you can feel better first! :)
Same. I felt the same way exactly. In my 8 weeks now. I feel damn shitty. But I just eat very small bites . Like milo, biscuit and etc. then whenever hungry must try to bite something. Cannot finish nevermind. Just eat. And I eat mint sweet also
Get diclectin from your doc if possible. I've also found wearing sea bands and smelling medicated oil (axe brand) helps with taking away the worst of the nausea. Hang in there!
sorry to hear that you are suffering..your condition sounds lime HG (severe form of morning sickness), i think you should see gynae to assess and get proper treatments for it
See a doc. But also try to eat dry toast and nibble.
Maybe u can try to eat smaller meals