Gynae recommendation
I’m in my 1st trimester and I’ve heard about birth stories about some gynae pushing mums to do a c-sect instead of natural birth. Any recommendations of good female gynae in kkh who would encourage more on natural birth? I will do c-sect only if I really need to. I don’t wanna be forced to do it.

What I heard from acquantances is they will push for c section for cases such as: - if your baby is very overweight and need a premature birth, and induce may have risk of needing emergency c section if it fails, so c section may be a better choice in some cases -or if your baby is breech or other weird position, or placenta is low or weird position -or if you had a c section before dont remember hearing any other reason, but if baby and mummy is perfectly healthy, I doubt any gynae would push for a c section. if they do, stand your ground, or make complaints of the gynae so we all will know who they are and avoid them!
Read moreHmmm i doubt theres any gynae that would ask patient to do csect unnecessarily unless really needed too and depends on baby’s condition. But im currently under Serene Koh meiling
probably not in SG. hardly hear that unless for emergency cases. there was a documentry on India though, and it was unethical and caused some birth defect and mom danger
They are called ‘stories’ for a reason. Usually they won’t suggest C-section without a valid reason. Don’t listen to these stories.
Will forever recommend Dr Ada Ng at KKH. She's pro natural and the kindest person to have when u're giving birth for sure.
I have friends with private gynae but none of them would push for c sec though
Where got gynae push for C-section one? Would love to hear more about this.
hi Mommy, instead go to NUH as they are pro natural birth.
I prefer natural too. unless emergency then c.sec.. my fibroid removal 15cm wide..6yrs ago. now week23 sneeze can feel pain
Dr Serena Koh from KKH is pro-natural as well 😊
Dr Suzanna!