Feet swelling after delivery
Im a FTM and yet to deliver. Is it true that our feet will swell badly after delivery, be it vaginally or csect? Or it doesnt happen to everyone ?

yes it will swell. keep your legs elevate above the level of your chest when you lying down. i have it and slowly less swelling. i did had short walk in the morning 5-10mins and keep my legs above the level of my heart after that
No feet swelling for both pregnancy. However, highly advice to have strict confinement, compression socks, lots of water and put pillow below your feet. Not to forget PP Massage helps.
Mine were swollen before and after pregnancy! It only went down aft abt 2 weeks during confinement. Postnatal massage and confinement diet helped to reduce the swelling
That’s my first time hearing it. My feet were so puffy during the third trimester. Right after child birth through C-section, the swell went away in a week or two.
yes mine swelled after delivery. but what helped subside the swelling for me was to constantly wear compression socks and move my feet around whenever i could
i was given compression sock to wear before entering labour ward and continue wearing after birth till i discharge. so i dont have any swelling at all.
YES. for 2 weeks . C sect mum here. nothing helps except drinking lots of water and rest, ans when the time is up, it goes away completely.

for me , yes. mine swell right after giving birth but subside in a week. prior to that, i didnt have any swelling during pregnancy
i didn't have this thankfully. depends on the individual, you may have to deal with different symptoms
It didn’t happen to me though. Rmb to always lift your legs on a pillow to support