Cleanup after vaginal delivery
I have yet to deliver but just curious. After vaginal delivery and stitching, will nurses clean our below from all the blood and dirts ? #FTM

Yeap nurse will clean for you after delivery. Even after your first and second pee after delivery. But once you are able to get down and walk to the toilet on your own to pee, you cn wash with water but careful to test the pressure of the water spray. It is important to wash with water (not just dry wipes or wet wipes) to keep down there clean. But of course after washing must dry it off. This helps to heal it faster and to not get infections.
Read morehello! yes they will do a clean up coz you wont be bathing for some time. once u are rdy to go to the toilet after u are back in the ward, get ur hubby to help u and u can clean up urself hours later. i didnt bathe but just light cleaning. :)