Small body = harder vaginal delivery?
Im already scared enough of being induced this week(due to no labor sign @39w) really hoping will still end up with natural delivery instead of csect. And my MIL’s mouth just doesnt help. I am petite with a small - average body frame, altho my baby bump is big. She told me if i have smaller hip/body, will be harder for me to give birth vaginally? Is it true ? Any petite mummies able to birth vaginally without issue ? #FTM

I am FTM, also quite petite at 154, 38kg before pregnancy. No signs of baby coming out for me either at 38 weeks now. My pelvis hurts like mad, and got breathing difficulty because no space in belly already and baby is slightly larger than normal, still a lot of fluid in my womb (causing my tummy to be quite big and heavy). Doctor says will induce before baby gets too big and if no sign of labour at 39 weeks. I am also pretty worried. Don't think smaller body will have harder vaginal delivery, but I think the larger the baby the smaller the pelvis, slower the dilation, would make it harder tho. If your body is small but baby is less than 3kg then prolly should not be a problem? Sometimes the bump is big because there is a lot of water inside, like mine. Problem is my baby is more than 3kg at 37 weeks. If it grows too fast within these few weeks, then prolly would have a harder labour 😔
Read moreI am petite standing at 155cm and both of my kids are above 3kg. And I also have a friend smaller than me and she birth 4 times with all kids also more than 3kg. It is about dilating, how you control your breathing technic as well as push. Sure you can because your control ur mind and body. Not the other way round.
Read moreI totally feel u. My MILs mouth was no better. Instead of motivating, she kept with her sarcasm bla bla. But dont worry, my body frame is also small and my baby couldnt come out but my gynae motivated me and with Gods blessings, I delivered naturally through Vaccum delivery. Trust ur mumly instincts. Be brave
Read moreFTM here and just gave birth in august! 42kg before pregnancy and 52kg by end of pregnancy. Induced at Wk39 because gynae told me that my pelvic was small and i was not dilated. Higher chance to end up with c sect if wait till Wk40, so we decided to induce at wk39. Managed to do natural delivery and all was good!
Read moreSame as u.. im 154, 43kg before preg and now about 53kg @ 38+ weeks. Not dilated, not much labor signs :( but realise he hiccups more. really hoping for a natural delivery too instead of inducing :( would love to hear success stories
I had my first borne when I was 19yo. not sure what were my height but I weighed 45kg before pregnancy. by end of pregnancy, I was 65kg. I gave birth to my daughter weighing 3990. 10g more to 4kg. all natural without epidural.