1 Replies

Hugs to you... I am so sorry for your loss. I went throught exactly the same as you 2 years ago. 2 years of TTC, got pregnant and had bleeding for 2 weeks. Went to A&E three times, NUH & KKH. Given Duphaston but sadly it didn't help. Opted for D&C to get it done with but a day before the supposed surgery, I had cramps and passed out the tissue in the toilet bowl. In fact that was not my 1st miscarriage. I only tried again a year later. A successful pregnancy. Delivered my rainbow baby on Feb this year after going through a tough & a high risk pregnancy, given my age over 35. He's a bouncy, healthy & a happy going to be 8 mths old infant. My advice - give your body a rest first. Let it heal physically & mentally. Gynae recommended to try again after 3 cycles. And then try again when you're really ready. Once when I got to know I was pregnant, I put myself on bed rest. Hugs to you. Your rainbow baby is waiting for you 🌈

Hi dearest! Thank you, I feel like I'm not a lot to grieve as I didn't get to bring my baby to this world. I'm feeling extremely guilty and having a lot of mixed emotions. I'm not able to console my husband I'm just acting. I couldn't sleep and started crying. I requested for it to naturally occur so remaining bleed can just come out on it's own. I was given the same medication in kkh. it sadly didn't help me either. I'm not sure if it was bound to happen the what ifs and could haves are killing me. I don't know whom to speak to. God bless your beautiful baby boy, please give that angel the tightest hug on my behalf. hopefully I can have that happiness one day in my life too dear. I'm now on 10 days HL. Thank you for sharing with me your journey. please keep me in your prayers. hugs ❤

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