Instant noodles ok?
I'm craving for Maggie curry instant noodles. Is it ok for me to eat? I read articles saying that it's not recommended and it sounds scary but I'm really craving for it. I need advice please. Currently 11 weeks pregnant. Thank you.

It’s ok to eat if it’s just once! But whether your stomach able to digest the noodles and will u suffer from constipation or diarrhea depends on your body constitution. For me I also crave but cannot eat it because the noodles will cause me indigestion and spoil my already poor appetite further. So I sacrifice my cravings
Read moreOMG tell me about it. I ate Maggie curry in the form of soup, fried or pancake while I was pregnant with my firstborn. Now in my 1st trimester for my second pregnancy and so far I’ve ate instant noodles a few times. Can’t help it. Eat everything in moderation and avoid eating carbs after 7pm.
I had instant noodles 5x from the day I knew till now 32 weeks. its alright to indulge once in awhile. my husband cooks the noodles in a separate pot to get rid of the wax. don't finish the soup cos it's got lots of msg too
I have been craving instant noodles too (hardly ate pre-pregnancy)! I ate 3 times in my first trimester but will limit it. In moderation (: and I don’t drink much of the soup
I had it about twice or thrice during first trimester. And about once a month? It’s okay to eat but eat in moderation. I never drink the soup too cos of the msg.
I craved for instant noodles everyday during first trim! had it max 2 times bt won't cause any harm. Enjoy it bt not too often I will say.:)
Hi, you can eat but not often. Eat in moderation. To clear your craving is fine, just don't hook on it ya. ❤️
I’ve been craving for it since mid-first tri. And I’ve had it a few times since! :/