Baby 1 month doesn’t turn to you when spoken to
I’m a bit worried about my baby’s vision as he doesn’t turn his head to the sounds (he hears the sounds for sure because he sometimes gets scared by loud sounds) and he doesn’t look at you at all when you speak to him. Is it ok for 1 month baby?

You can continue to call out, use the rattle toys or anything squeaky sound close by and see if baby turn left or right. Then upon the next check up for baby,do raise your concern to the doctor and they will do assessment. It may be too early. But most baby will turn to noise/voice when they hear. Some baby may take awhile to react to noise/voice. Therefore, highly advice to have it raised should it be a concern and worrying for you.
Read moreSome babies are late bloomers according to the GP at polyclinic. So I think it’s quite normal.