Vbac Or C Sect Again?

I'm almost at my 32nd week and during last appt, no. 2 was measured as 70% bigger than average, which is smaller than no. 1, who was 97% bigger than average baby. I was determined to do a Vbac this time round since it has been 5yrs after my last c sect but this time round, gynae's opinion is still on elective c sect due to size of no. 2 head and abdomen, and started telling me about the risk involved for Vbac. I did my research on both and now still 50/50 on which birth to stick to even though my take on c sect is a bit lower. If I'm adamant on Vbac, I might need to change to a pro vbac gynae but even so, the risk of dystocia or chances of me not dilating might just lead to an emer c sect. Elective c sect wud mean baby will be safely delivered but that very long painful process of recovery will taunt me again. In need of other opinions pls.

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There are definitely risks involved in a vbac and your gynaecologist is right to advise you accordingly. However, a natural delivery will also have its risks. There’s too much unknown. That’s why there’s a lot of monitoring at the delivery suite. How about seeking another gynaecologist’s opinion before deciding whether you should go for a vbac or change your current gynae? Also, if you really want to go for vbac, you will also need to ask yourself how prepared are you if you eventually require an emergency c-section? In my opinion, your baby’s health is top priority!

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